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2,5-二甲基吡嗪      2,5-Dimethylpyrazine
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 2,5-二甲基吡嗪为一种物色液体,产品主含量≥98.0%,易容于水和乙醇,熔点15℃,沸点155℃,闪点63℃。CAS号为:123-32-0,分子式:C6H8N,分子量:108.14。该物质天然存在:存在于猪肉、可可、咖啡、土豆片、河虾中,感官特征:具有坚果香、花生、霉味、壤香、土豆、脂肪香、可可粉的气味;7.5 mg/kg的溶液具有坚果、土豆、脂肪的味道。主要用于调配可可、花生、咖啡、坚果、土豆、调味品用食用香精中。该产品于中国GB 2760-1996批准为允许使用的食用香料。包装规格为200kg胶桶。
2,5-Dimethylpyrazine is a solution for liquids,The main content of the product is more than 98%,Easily dissolve in water and ethanol, the melting point of 15℃, the boiling point of 155℃, the flash point of 63 ℃,CAS number is: 123-32-0, formula: C6H8N, molecular weight: 108.14.The natural substances exist: in pork, cocoa, coffee, potato chips, shrimp.Sensory characteristics: nutty, peanut, musty, earthy, potato, fat, cocoa, and 7.5 mg/kg solutions with nuts, potatoes, and fats.Mainly used in the deployment of cocoa, peanuts, coffee, nuts, potatoes, spices used in food flavors. This product is Chinese GB 2760-1996 approval to allow the use of edible spices. Packing specification is 200kg glue barrel.